BSc, ACCA Trainee | Cryptotax Specialist


There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majority of have suffered alteration in that some form injected humour or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable.
  • Experience :
    3 Years

BSc, ACCA Trainee | Cryptotax Specialist


Cryptocurrency Taxation
Cryptocurrency Reconciliation
CeFi, DeFi, NFT’s and Tax Planning

Being an avid follower of the progression of blockchain and cryptocurrency activity through the years, Hamzah has been involved in multiple projects providing answers to clients on how to deal with their assets. He has reconciled numerous client portfolios spanning a vast range of activities such as spot trading, staking, mining, liquidity pools and NFT’s. Given the dynamic nature of the crypto sphere, client portfolios are closely tied to their responses to changes in the market and the tax planning strategies put in place. Hamzah’s proficiency and counsel have enabled clients to accurately report their activities whilst minimising their tax burden through legal and legitimate routes.