AAT | Cryptotax Specialist

Omar Bhuiyan

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majority of have suffered alteration in that some form injected humour or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable.
  • Experience :
    3 Years

BSc, ACCA Trainee | Cryptotax Specialist

Omar Bhuiyan

Cryptocurrency Tax
DeFi, CeFi
Off-Chain crypto projects, NFT’s

Given the ever-changing nature of the crypto market, client portfolios must be continuously adapted to changing conditions. Omar is keen on exploring the crypto & metaverse world and staying up to date with the latest trends and developments in this exciting world of decentralised finance. Omar knows all about the special tax rules that come with buying, selling, and holding digital assets, and help clients and businesses avoid getting into trouble with the tax man. Omar keeps up with the latest tax laws and can give you solid advice on how to manage your crypto in a tax-friendly way.