Founder & Director

Shukry Haleemdeen

A Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis isteaque ipsa quae ab Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, Contrary to popular belief, Lorem
Ipsum is not simply random
  • Experience :
    20 Years

CEO & Director

Shukry Haleemdeen

Cryptocurrency Tax
Cryptocurrency Tax Investigation
Tax Planning

As an investor and keen follower of blockchain and cryptocurrency, Shukry founded the My Crypto Tax in 2017, the first professional accounting firm to offer cryptocurrency tax services in the UK and continue to be a leader in this space. Cryptocurrency tax expert with years of experience in the field. With a deep understanding of the complex and ever-changing laws surrounding digital assets, he has helped numerous clients navigate the world of cryptocurrency taxation with ease and confidence. His expertise, has enabled clients to maximize their savings while ensuring full compliance with UK tax regulations.